Wednesday, August 13, 2008

All I wanna know is...

"do ya wanna get away."

I know that I want to get away...majorly. I guess I'm in a particularly blogging mood. It's about time for school to start up again, and I'm almost looking forward to it. This summer has been particularly uneventful. I've had a job since March, so that's what I've spent my time doing.

To recap on my summer:
There was a guy that I liked A LOT...but obviously that wasn't meant to be. And I'm completely okay with that...i think. All in good time.

"push push pushin me away."

I went out of town for 2 weeks. NC with the fam. SC with some of the youth. Good times. Met new people. Cool people.

I am King Mau!!
No, I'm Queen Mau!!
Ok, so we're married and our sons name is Dale Earnhardt.

Haha. Oh yeah...and I turned 17. which was great, cuz my friends were there. =]
I love them.

So senior year is upon me, and I'm stoked. But at the same time I am scared wittless. After these next 10 months, I have to move on with my life. Through another check point, if you will, that reminds me that I must continue to grow up.

"So I'll give you a kiss and say goodbye..."

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