Thursday, August 21, 2008


I realized just moments ago how much I didn't know I loved him.
Does that make since?
But I don't want to be with him.

I also realized moments ago that it is about to be my senior year and I don't need anyone.
I've got my friends, and that's all I need. Guys are stupid anyways. If a good guy comes along,
then great. But I'm in no hurry whatsoever.

Live, Laugh, Love...

Friday, August 15, 2008

our world today...

Tonight I realized how far gone the world is today. People get away with theft, because companies can't afford racism lawsuits, sexism lawsuits, steriotyping lawsuits, etc.

At work earlier a young man came in with a huge parka and stole a couple beers while all of the employees watched because if we confronted him we'd be accused of being racists and he'd run. So what's the point of the law, if no one is willing to follow it or enforce it?

Who is going to even think about following the rules, if no one ever enforces them? Other than being morally wrong, what will the punishment be? I'll answer that...NOTHING. Sometimes I wish that people still had morals and cared a little bit about society. Even the politicians are idiots. They just want to be elected so that they can do things their way. Have you ever noticed that no one is ever happy with the president once they are actually in office? It's the truth...and everyone knows it.

So what are we going to do? It needs to be fixed. Ok, so I guess I'm done now. Sorry for the rant=].

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

All I wanna know is...

"do ya wanna get away."

I know that I want to get away...majorly. I guess I'm in a particularly blogging mood. It's about time for school to start up again, and I'm almost looking forward to it. This summer has been particularly uneventful. I've had a job since March, so that's what I've spent my time doing.

To recap on my summer:
There was a guy that I liked A LOT...but obviously that wasn't meant to be. And I'm completely okay with that...i think. All in good time.

"push push pushin me away."

I went out of town for 2 weeks. NC with the fam. SC with some of the youth. Good times. Met new people. Cool people.

I am King Mau!!
No, I'm Queen Mau!!
Ok, so we're married and our sons name is Dale Earnhardt.

Haha. Oh yeah...and I turned 17. which was great, cuz my friends were there. =]
I love them.

So senior year is upon me, and I'm stoked. But at the same time I am scared wittless. After these next 10 months, I have to move on with my life. Through another check point, if you will, that reminds me that I must continue to grow up.

"So I'll give you a kiss and say goodbye..."

Contemplation 64...

no repeats.
or hesitations.

As kids, we played games such as concentration 64, ms mary mac, etc.
Nothing was more important than jinxing your friend, before they jinxed you.
Now, however it seems there is no room in this world for playing games, and being carefree.

There are more important things.
Growing up...

I always wanted to grow up faster, but now that i'm in the middle of it I just want to be a kid again. Life was simple back then. No worries.

Now all I seem to know is worry. Who could blame me either? I mean, if you turn on the news for 5 minutes you will here stories of death, poverty, violence, sadness, destruction and so much more.

Tonight I am going to the viewing of a man who was healthy, and great in general, but died in his sleep. He left behind 3 children whom I've grown up with. And then later in the week I am going to a funeral for someone else from my church.

How is that fair?! A man, who was my fathers age by the way, leaves behind 3 children who are still in school and a wife who loved him. And we all just have to continue on with life. The world doesn't stop for anyone. I guess the following is true:
"No one said life would be easy, they just said it would be worth it."

All I want is to be worry-free again, back to a time when mommy was the greatest and could fix anything with a kiss. It seems like ages ago. But has it really been that long? Now I've got new friends, friends from when I was a baby, and I will continue to grow up and make more friends.
But I will never be worry-free again.